Money orders and transactions

VTB Bank carries out transactions in Russian rubles and foreign currencies


Same-day crediting to accounts


Open when you need us


All types of transactions in convertible, clearing and inconvertible currencies


Fast and high-quality money transfers


About money orders and transactions

High speed settlements around the world

Our extensive branch network, use of the SWIFT system and excellent professional team ensure fast transactions around the world


Types of bank transfers
  • Crediting of Russian ruble amounts transferred to customer accounts
  • Crediting of export revenues transferred for VTB customers or customers of corresponding banks
  • Customer payment orders (for companies who hold current accounts with the bank) in Russian rubles to VTB and other bank accounts
  • Customer money orders (for companies that hold current accounts with the bank) in foreign currency both in and outside Russia as payment for goods supplied under import contracts as well as for other export-import purposes, for services or intellectual property
  • Payments under resident loan agreements and foreign currency loans
  • Credit letters involving a foreign currency amount paid against commercial or financial documents or warrants specified in the money order that the recipient of the funds must provide
Acceptance and execution of payment orde
  • Same-day execution: in Russian rubles untill 17.00, in US dollars and euros until 16.00
  • Real-time ruble payments through the Bank of Russia real-time gross settlement system the Banking Electronic Speed Payment System (BESP). This service is provided for a fee if payment instruments marked Urgent arrive within operating hours
  • Express bank transfers in Russian rubles are available in Moscow and Moscow Region for a fee, for payment orders submitted to the bank by 10.30 and marked Priority Payment (1st run) and by 13.30 (2nd run)
Ruble transfers outside banking hours are available for a fee in Moscow and the Moscow Region for payment orders submitted to the bank between 17.00 and 18.00 and marked Payment outside of Banking Hours
Regular payments
VTB Bank offers automatic regular transfer of designated amounts from current account for purposes and to institutions specified by the customer. Amounts can be transferred to the customer's accounts or third-party accounts with any credit institution.
This service is convenient for regular payments such as rent, telecoms, subscriptions and other payments.
Acceptance of payment documents by third parties
This service enables holding companies with branch networks to accept payments from regional branches and subsidiaries through remote banking, providing real-time centralised control of financial flows.
This service is available to customers who subscribe to our remote banking system.